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当前位置:首页文旅 — 商务英语:请求与提议beg and adv
商务英语:请求与提议beg and adv
来源:北京网    更新时间:2007/12/4 11:33:21  阅读[1179]

A: What's the matter, Jack? You look a bit pale./ 你怎么了?你的脸色有点发白。
B: I feel terrible. I hardly slept a wink last night./我觉得有点难受。昨天晚上几乎一夜没有合眼。
A: You often have trouble sleeping, don't you? I'll bet your blood pressure is high./你经常睡不好觉吗?我敢打赌你的血压肯定很高。
B: As a matter of fact, it's a little high./确实有点高。
A: Let's give you a bit of advice, if you don't mind. Quit smoking or at least cut down on it. Watch your diet and../你要是不嫌我说话直接的话,我告诉你怎么办。马上戒烟,至少少抽一点。注意饮食而且...
B: And get some excercise every day, right? A lot of  people have told me the same thing, but somehow I just can't force myself to do it./每天活动活动,对吗?好多人都这样劝我,可我就是做不到。
A: Well, if you go on the way you have, you're only going to make things harder for yourself./如果你这样继续下去,情况会越来越糟的。
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