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当前位置:首页文旅 — 商务书信的信内地址和其正确写法
来源:北京网    更新时间:2007/12/19 7:51:20  阅读[1713]
The name, title, and complete mailing address make up the part of the letter described as the inside address. Some people might argue why there should be an inside address since it already appears on the envelop. The rationale for the existence of inside address lies partly in the long-established tradition, partly in the fact that the recipient frequently throws away the envelop once it is torn open; therefore, the letter itself must indicate clearly to whom it is addressed.

Courtesy Title  When writing to a specific individual, make sure you use the proper courtesy title which includes Mr. , Mrs. , and Miss. If you are not sure of a woman’s marital status, simply use Ms. Why make a distinction between married and unmarried women, the feminists argue, when we do not distinguish between married and single men? As you will notice, Ms. appears throughout the text, referring to the female recipient as a whole. 

When writing to a person whose name sounds neutral in terms of gender, you can be assured to use the abbreviated title M. For example, M. Leslie R. Higgins. 

One common mistake frequently found among Chinese students in addressing is that they use courtesy title along with the recipient’s first name. 

Mr. David ( wrong) 
Mr. David White ( right ) 
Mr. White ( right ) 

Organizational Title   If the addressee has an organizational title, indicate it (a) immediately after the person’s name, (b) partially on the first line with the rest on the second line, and (c) completely on the second line -- whichever arrangement is most attractive and balance-keeping. 

(a ) Mr. Paul Smith, Manager
       Smith and Sons, Inc.
       3107 Western Avenue
       New London, Connecticut 06320

( b ) Ms. Linda Cook, Assistant 
        Direct of Public Relations
        3117 Avenue E
        Seattle, Washington 20103

( c ) Dr. Robert Dixon, 
        Associate Dean of Student Activities 
        District of Columbia Polytechnic 
        900 Avenue E. NY 
        Washington, DC 20025 

( d ) Ms. Gillian Johnson 
        Export Sales Manager 
        Block and Brown PLC 
        55 Horizons Drive 
        Bough BN5 9KL 



  礼貌的头衔 当写给具体的人的时候,一定要使用恰当的礼貌的头衔称呼,比如Mr. Mrs. 和Miss。如果你不清楚一个妇女的婚姻状况,你可以使用Ms.。
  如果收信人的名字很中性,你不清楚到底是男的还是女的,就可以简单地使用M.。比如M. Leslie R. Higgins. 


  职位头衔 如果收信人有一个职位头衔,那么要把它写在(a) 直接跟在人命后面,(b) 部分在第一行,其他的在第二行,(c) 完全在第二行——排版吸引人和保持平衡的时候。
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