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当前位置:首页旅游 — IELTS写作考试必备的优美句
来源:北京网    更新时间:2007/12/23 11:08:36  阅读[2084]
When it comes to floor coverings, Milliken modular, broadloom and rugs meet these demands and much more. Milliken Carpet represents a true marriage of function and form, offering unparalleled advantages such as style and innovation; flexibility and performance; value and service.
3 Of the top four design features that teachers believe have a strong impact on student achievement, three—safety,   comfort and acoustics—can be addressed by  incorporating carpet in classroom décor.

4. The fact is, more than 1 million children and  adults each year are involved in slip/fall accidents in
North America. (Canadian Facility Management &  Design, 4/02) And, as acknowledged by the U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission, flooring  materials directly contribute to slip/fall accidents.(用词的变化)

5.Due to public and official concerns about carpet,  allergy and asthma, Sweden reduced its carpet use  by 38 percent since the 1970s.

6.In a time of budget cutbacks and belt-tightening, schools must be extremely dollar-wise when calculating  design budgets. Yet the installation of hard-surface flooring and its ensuing high-cost, labor-intensive  maintenance, takes a heavy bite out of any school’s budget.

7.“Moisture Control is the Key to  Mold Control .
8. Carpet improves safety by greatly reducing the  incidence and the severity of slip/fall accidents. the  next three to five years, approximately 50 percent of  all schools will undergo significant restoration and  renovation at a cost of about $112 billion nationally (只用一个词,而非IN THE WHOLE AMERICA).

10.  A majority of///而不用MOST teachers surveyed have carpet in their  classroom, and of that group, more than two-thirds  prefer carpet. The majority of respondents also cite  increased safety from falls, increased comfortunderfoot, and better noise absorption.

11 Safety issues are a primary consideration in school  design, yet the installation of hard-surface flooring instead of carpet is in direct opposition to safe design.

12  In addition to shielding the facility from soil and moisture, Lees walk-off products also provide a safe, non-slip surface in areas sensitive to moisture.

13. In the past, the public has sometimes inaccurately linked new carpet with the effects of poor indoor air quality. While extensive research has shown that there is no link between carpet and ill-health effects,

15. Major investments in state-of-the-art technologies have enabled Lees to create products that are both higher performing and environmentally sound  We are no longer confined to the compromises imposed by the sourcing, manufacturing, maintenance and disposal practices of the past.

16. Recent environmental issues, such as indoor air quality and overburdening landfill space, are of particular significance Dr. Alan Hedge, professor of design and environmental analysis at Cornell University, asserts that carpet can improve indoor air quality due to its filter-like properties.

17.To increase the skills of migrants coming to Australia the passmark for the general skilled independent visa categories for permanent residence will be raised from 115 to 120---句子较长

18.Remove and clean these rugs while vacuuming the primary carpet or rug. Occasional moving of furniture and reversing of area rugs also is recommended.(句子的变化)

19.Cornrowing develops in the traffic areas or those areas subjected to more foot action, such as in front of chairs and television sets. Vacuuming alone will not raise the fallen yarns. Specially-designed carpet rakes will lift the yarns, but this may not be permanent----cornrow.

47.Streamlined processes let us provide you with faster service without compromising the standards that have made Durkan Patterned Carpet the designer’s choice.

48.At C&A, corporate culture has been a crucial factor in the success of our company. In fact, we attribute the quality of our company and our products to be directly related to the quality of our people.

49.Treat people fairly, honestly, and intelligently, and they'll respond in kind. It's management based on respect, one that encourages people to strive for their personal best.

50.However the geographical boundaries were not the only ones that had to be overcome. From the outset of the project, the customer expressed a desire to have the best and most durable materials in this prestigious landmark building, which would become a symbol to enhance the image of the nation. Yet, at the same time, a clearly defined budget had been established, so the project was not without fiscal constraint.

51.The trials could determine whether abuse at Abu Ghraib was an aberration — as the U.S. command insists — or stemmed from pressure from military intelligence units to make detainees more compliant under questioning.  

52. That is absolutely and Idontknowlly unacceptable. Those who are responsible for this, if they have behaved in this appalling way, they will be punished according to the army discipline and rules."-------Blair apologies for the abused.

53.Our results show that moderately and severely obese men were at an increased risk for high PSA levels after surgery and therefore are likely to have prostate cancer recurrence," said Dr. Stephen Freedland, who led the study.  Obesity is also linked with pancreatic, breast and colon cancer, as well as heart disease and diabetes.
54.Our relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, and community must be based on mutual respect, mutual trust, and mutual benefit. The customer is the only reason we come to work each day."
. Therefore, we will listen to and seek to understand our customers' needs. We will interactively respond to those needs for the mutual benefit of the relationship.

"If you are doing it the same way you did it two years ago, you're probably doing it the wrong way."
In an ever-changing marketplace, new products, services, and technologies are the lifeblood of our business. We recognize our responsibility to be a leader in product, technology, and in the marketplace. We will provide a culture that encourages, nurtures, and recognizes innovation.

55.The operation was postponed to allow discussion between Iraqi leaders and al-Sadr's militia on a possible negotiated end to the fighting, a senior military official said on condition of anonymity.

57.  Description
A theoretical spreading rate of 0.2 to 0.4 metres per litre will correspond to the particular finish and texture specified. Practical spreading rates will vary due to such factors as method and conditions of application and surface roughness and absorption, allowance for material consumption is to be made for such surface conditions.
For detailed information refer to the current Material Safety Data Sheet available through Orica Texture Coatings Sales and Customer Services offices.
Health Effects: Splashes to the eye will cause severe eye irritation.

58.  AcraTex 957 Granitti must only be applied in air temperatures between 10°C and 30°C and must be protected from rain and frost for the first 24 hours. Avoid application in full sun or hot, windy conditions. When applied under 10°C or in high humidity climates longer drying times will be encountered.

59.DISCLAIMER: Any advice, recommendation, information assistance or service provided by ORICA COATINGS in relation to goods manufactured by it or their use and application is given in good faith and is believed by Orica to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by Orica is provided without liability or responsibility, PR (责任编辑:城市网)
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