来源:北京网 更新时间:2008/1/6 19:21:50 阅读[1527]
Scope of Freight Forwarding Services
Originally, a freight forwarder (货运代理人) was a commission agent (委托代理人) performing on behalf of (代表…) the exporter/importer routine tasks such
as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport,
obtaining payment for his customer, etc…
However, the expansion of international trade and the development of
different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of
his services. Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in
international trade and transport. The services that a freight forwarder renders
may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or
customs clearance (清关) to a comprehensive package of services covering the
Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 句子中的:
carrier(承运人) 来自动词 carry(运送,携带). 它的名词是 carriage(运输,运输费).
关于这个 carriage 还可以解释运输费的情况, 还想再言几句:
carriage 运输费:
例如: carriage paid to ... (CPT, 运费付至…)
carriage and Insurance Paid To ... (CIP, 运费、保险费付至…)
carriage free (运费免付)
carriage paid (运费已付)
carriage forward (运费到付)
freight 运输费(租用船只或飞机的费用, 尤其指水路运费:
例如: freight prepaid (运费已付)
freight collect (运费到付)