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当前位置:首页体育 — 年专业英语四级听力Mp3
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/1/29 8:19:38  阅读[1945]
  Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times. In today’s business world, supply is usually greater than demand. There is great competition between manufactures of the same kind of products, because they want to persuade customers to buy their particular brands. They always have to remind their customers of the name and qualities of their products by advertising. The manufacturer advertises in newspapers and on the radio. He sometimes employs sales girls to distribute samples of his products. He sometimes advertises on the Internet as well. In addition, he always has advertisements put into television programs that will accept them. Manufacturers also spend huge sums of money on advertisements. We buy a particular product because we think that is the best. We usually think so, because the advertisements say so. People often don’t ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth, when they buy advertised products from shops.
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