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当前位置:首页体育 — 英语中表示倍数减少的表达方法
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/3/1 16:32:54  阅读[8570]
(一)a is n times as small (light,slow,…)as b.
  a is n times smaller (lighter, slower,…) than b.
  e.g. The hydrogen atom is near1y l6 times as light as the oxygen atom.      氢原子的重量约为氧原子的1/16(即比氧原子约轻15/16)。
  e.g. This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper.      这种薄膜比普通纸张要薄一半(即是普通纸厚度的1/2)。
  注:当相比的对象b很明显时,than/as b常被省去。
  (二)decrease n times/n——fold
  decrease by n times
  decrease by a factor of n
  decrease常被reduce,shorten,go/slow down等词替代。
  e.g. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times.      新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了1/3(即缩短到2/3)。
  e.g. When the voltage is stepped up by ten times, the strength of the current is stepped down by ten times.      电压升高9倍,电流强度便降低9/10(即90%)。
  e.g. The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5.      该设备误差概率降低了4/5.
  (三)there is a n-fold decrease/reduction…      应译为:减至1/n [或:减少(n一1)/n].
  e.g. A rapid decrease by a factor of 7 was observed.     发现迅速减少到1/7.
  e.g. The principal advantage of the products is a two-fold reduction in weight.      这些产品的主要优点是重量减轻了1/2.
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