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当前位置:首页娱乐 — IELTS报名程序7月始进行调整(中
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/4/18 9:57:00  阅读[298]

从7月1日开始,为了给考生创造更为公平的报名环境,IELTS考试的报名系统将作如下两点调整: 第一:考生需要在预定考试座位之前预交全额报名费用;第二:针对部分人使用软件频繁刷新网页占座的现象,报名系统也进行了改进,以杜绝此类情况发生。


1. 在IELTS报名网站上注册为用户

2. 预付报名费用

3. 选择并预定考试场次

4. 在线填写并提交报名表

5 确认付费

付款方式没有任何变化,考生依然可以通过网上付款或银行电汇进行付款。付款后考生可以 在报名网站的"我的状态"页面上查询付款情况。得到确认后即可开始选择并预定考试座位填写报名表。IELTS考试的费用也没有任何变化。




Starting from 1st July, IELTS candidates need to pre-pay their test fee before they can book an IELTS test. Furthermore, there will be also improvement in the system for dealing with attempted unfair occupation GetWord("occupation"); of test seats. These changes are introduced to ensure that all candidates have an equal chance to register for the IELTS test and to avoid unfair occupation of test seats.

The new registration process will be:

1) Create your NEEA User account on the IELTS registration website

2) Pre-pay your test fee

3) Book the test of your choice

4) Complete and submit the online Application form

5) Confirm payment

The payment methods do not have any change. The candidates can still pay online or through wire transfer. The balance of the test fee will be shown on the candidate's "My Status" page in his/her NEEA User account once his/her payment reaches NEEA. The "My Status" page is only accessible using the candidate NEEA User ID and password.

Then the candidate can start booking an IELTS seat once his/her "My Status" page shows he/she has enough balance. The time needed for the test fee to arrive at NEEA varies from a few minutes (for most online payments) to 5 days (for certain wire transfers), so it is advisable for the candidate to plan the test as early as possible.

Another benefit is that candidates can now register for IELTS up to 10 working days prior to their preferred date -subject to availability, instead of 15 working days. It means that candidates have more time to plan and prepare for the test.

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is recognised by a growing number of institutions and organisations in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and other countries as evidence of having a sufficient GetWord("sufficient"); level of English for studying, training or working in countries where English is used as the main language of communication or tuition GetWord("tuition"); . The number of IELTS candidates in mainland China mainland has reached a record high. In response to local demand from an ever-increasing number of IELTS candidates, the British Council (known in North and Central China as the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy) and the National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) of the Ministry of Education have jointly make efforts to provide more satisfactory methods including opening more test centres, introducing Thursday dates for the written test in addition to Saturday dates, increasing the quota at some test centres and offering more tests at various test centres.

IELTS focuses on testing English as an international language, with authentic tasks, comprehensive assessment of all four language skills including a live, face-to-face speaking test conducted by a trained, certificated examiner, and has an extensive track record in the field of English language assessment. These features make it a practical GetWord("practical"); and appropriate test for the purposes of college and university undergraduate and graduate admissions committees.

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