S no option offered 无期权出售
S split or stock divided 拆股或股息
S signed 已签字
s second; shilling 秒;第二;先令
SA semi-annual payment 半年支付
SA South Africa 南非
SAA special arbitrage account 特别套作账户
SAB special assessment bond 特别估价债券
sae stamped addressed envelope 已贴邮票、写好地址的信封
SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange 国家外汇管理局
SAIC State Administration for Industry and Commerce (中国)国家工商行政管理局
SAP Statement of Auditing Procedure 《审计程序汇编》
SAR Special Administrative Region 特别行政区
SAS Statement of Auditing Standard 《审计准则汇编》
SASE self-addressed stamped envelope 邮资已付有回邮地址的信封
SAT (China) State Administration of Taxation (中国)国家税务局
SATCOM satellite communication 卫星通讯
SB short bill 短期国库券;短期汇票
SB sales book; saving bond; savings bank 售货簿;储蓄债券;储蓄银行
SBC Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士银行公司
SBIC Small Business Investment Corporation 小企业投资公司
SBIP small business insurance policy 小型企业保险单
SBLI Savings Bank Life Insurance 储蓄银行人寿保险
SBN Standard Book Number 标准图书号
SC sales contract 销售合同
sc scilicet namely 即
SC supplier credit 卖方信贷