来源:北京网 更新时间:2008/5/15 17:28:38 阅读[320]
—— 准考证
—— 有效的政府颁发的含照片的身份证明
—— 被认可的计算器,包括计算器外盖
—— 书写工具(1级和2级使用铅笔,3级使用水笔和铅笔)
—— 橡皮,计算器电池(和用来换电池的螺丝起子),卷笔刀(不能是刀片),眼镜,耳塞,不启动有声闹响和有声报时的手表
—— 皮夹(钱包)
—— 药品、纸巾和其他必备的医用物品和个人物品
—— 食物和饮料
—— 任何形式的包带,包括透明带子、背包、手提包、手提袋、公文包、皮箱、随身携带包带或铅笔盒
—— 学习资料,包括学习笔记、考卷、教科书或考纲
—— 便笺纸,初终值表或计算器说明书
—— 记号笔、修正液、修正带或直尺
—— 任何形式的刀片,包括切箱刀具和X-ACTO削笔刀
—— 移动电话,照相机,呼机,耳机,计算机,电子终端,个人数据辅助设备或其他远程通讯设备和照相设备
—— 含有闹响的手表和任何形式的时钟
Personal Belongings Policy
To ensure candidates are checked in promptly and seated without delay, CFA
Institute requires that you adhere to the guidelines below regarding personal
The following items MUST be kept on your desk during the examination:
-Examination Admission Ticket.
-Current government-issued photo identification.
-Approved calculator(s), including calculator case(s).
-Writing instruments (pencils for Levels I and II, pens and pencils for Level III).
The following items MAY be kept on your desk, if needed:
-Erasers, calculator batteries (and screwdriver for battery replacement), pencil
sharpeners (no knives), eyeglasses, earplugs, and wristwatches without engaged
audible alarms or audible timers.
The following items are permitted in the testing room but must remain in your
pockets or under your chair when not in use:
-Your wallet (money purse).
-Medicine, tissues, and other medically necessary or personal items.
The following items ARE NOT PERMITTED in the testing room:
-Food and drinks.
-Baggage of any kind including transparent bags, backpacks, handbags, tote bags,
briefcases, luggage, carrying cases, or pencil cases.
-Study materials including notes, papers, textbooks, or study guides.
-Scratch paper, present/future value tables, or calculator manuals.
-Highlighters, correction fluid, correction tape, or rulers.
-Knives of any type, including box cutter and X-ACTO? knives for use as pencil
-Cellular telephones, cameras, pagers, headsets, computers, electronic organizers,
personal data assistants, or any other remote communication or photographic devices.
-Wristwatches with engaged audible alarms/timers or any type of desk clock/timer.
Proctors and security personnel may ask to inspect your belongings at check-in to
ensure that prohibited items are not carried into the testing room. Please comply
with all such requests. If proctors or security personnel find items that are not
permitted in the testing room, you will be required to place them in a designated
area away from the testing room during the examination. You will not have access to
these items during the examination, but may access them during the lunch break and
at the conclusion of the examination. Neither CFA Institute nor the test center,
testing personnel, or vendors will assume responsibility or liability for stolen,
lost, or damaged personal property left in this area.