The classification for the commodities:
1.[wv]frozen[/vw] food 速冻食品
2.dairy products 牛产品
3.package d foods 包装食品 supplies 清洁用品
5.personal-care supplies 个人护理用品 玩具 products 汽车护理用品
8.yard -care products 庭院护理用品
Different stores:
1.Convienience store 便利店
2.Grocery store 小卖部
3.Supermarket 超市
4.Drug store/pharmacy 药店
5.Department store商场
6.Discount store 打折店
7.Factory outlets厂家直销点
8.Specialty shop 专卖店
9.Shopping mall/shopping center 购物中心
Household and Hardware department:
dish 碟子
silverware 银器
cooking utensil s 厨具
pots 壶
pans 锅
light-fixture 灯饰
plumbing supplies home improvement products 家庭装修用品
Appliance department:
sewing machine 缝纫机
washer 洗碗机
dryer 烘干机
refrigerator 冰箱
vacuum sweeper 吸尘器
water heater 热水器
washing machine 洗衣机
air conditioner 空调
electric cooker 电炉
microwave oven 微波炉
pressure cooker 高压锅
kettle 水壶
chopping board 切菜板
turner 锅铲
cleaver 切肉刀
Office supplies:
executive desk 办公桌
photocopier 复印机
laser printer 激光打印机
floppy disk 软盘
fax machine 传真机
appointment book 记事簿
stapler 订书机
filing box 档案分类箱
clip 纸夹
stationery cabinet 文具柜