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当前位置:首页娱乐 — (烤鸭遨游海洋馆)第二期—神仙鱼
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/7/7 11:59:32  阅读[473]

英文名:Angel Fish
拉丁名:Pterophyllum scalare

The Angel Fish has an elongated and flat shape with long dorsal and anal fins extending backwards. It usually feeds on shrimps and worms and can measure up to 12 cm long.

The Angel Fish has a unique way of protecting its young. After laying eggs, it will fan the eggs with its fins to ensure that a sufficient supply of oxygen flows through the surrounding water. It even eats its own eggs that have gone bad or carries the eggs which fall to the water bottom back to the spawning location.

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