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当前位置:首页娱乐 — 雅思口语黄金法则之关键idiom
来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/7/7 14:21:16  阅读[496]

1. For three days the wind blew hard and strong, but on the fourth day it died down.

2. I thought John and Mary were happy, but they recently got a divorce ; how did it come about?

3. My old car has a very bad engine ; it will probably break down and need repairs.

4. If you want to get ahead in life, you have to work hard and save your money.

5. His poor clothes really stood out at the meeting because every one else was wearing a suit and tie.

6. Since you don’t have a car or motorcycle , how do you get around?

7. Our plans for a trip to Europe fell through because we hadn’t saved enough money for the plane tickets.

8. Please hold on; I’d like to ask a question before you continue your lecture
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