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来源:北京网    更新时间:2008/8/18 15:15:58  阅读[607]





  1,2,3,5,12,13,154,6,8,10,11,13,14,15,16,18,20系统班 ,


  再翻翻 核心词汇辨析就更加清楚。




  第一篇阅读讲在英特网上的义物易,也就是barter,在我出的模考2的第一篇关于unemployment 的阅读理解最后一段中有讲到 barter economy. 41 techi之答案的设置也较正常,比07年略简单一些 ,表现在答案的阅读没有成为太主要的考查。泰祺英语团队认为这不能说明MBA的英语出题风格有会有太大的变化的趋势。

  第二篇阅读讲美国著名的新泽西洲的暴力枪杀事件,新泽西州在美国连续39年犯罪率排在第一名,昨天我和来自美国new york的朋友Chuck 聊天还提到了与他家乡New York接 壤的这个所谓的crime state New Jersy.他把这个州成为 the most dangerous state in US.

  这篇文章不难,但是最后一题主旨题有可能会陷入陷阱B答案中gun crime 范围过分狭隘,有较大的干扰性。C比较抽象有单词revitalize 很多同学没有理解。


  提一提53题, 文章的题眼:Margeret was once stung in a former relationship. stung 被叮咬说明吃过亏,former 说明关系已经结束。


  58题、60题有比较大的争议。58题中B、C两个答案是争议所在。选B的理由是the table has turned 这句话,指形势逆转,原来西方经济强调free trade,而亚洲经济如今却更加实行free trade .强调的应该是亚洲经济对于free trade的态度还有做法。笔者倾向于选B,虽然Adovocate 是比较过分的推理。选C的理由认为形势变了,西方经济不如原来有竞争力了,反对的人认为,现在形势逆转的原因不是西方经济不再具有竞争力了,而是亚洲经济在某些方面,特别是出口方面更加生猛。有人认为advocate free trade文中没有提到,但有人认为是implication,但是adovocate有可能是过分的含义的推测。

  60题,B、C 两个答案的争议。B、There is an inconsistency between western theory and practice.选B的理由:文中倒数第二段第一句有说到不只是 hypocrisy 虚伪本身,还有欧洲经济实体做法也非常有悖他们的理论。明明不再practice free trade ,还要the post of managing director 留在欧洲。笔者倾向于选B。

  C、Global institutions are not led by true gloabalization adovocates.

  选C的理由:因为他们没有让其他国家地区的人做MANAGING DIRECTOR 所以他们不是真正意义上的adovocates of globlization。



  1. Projection:文中的意思是 预测、估计。

  2.pull apart:拆开、分开

  3.what if questions:“ 如果 怎样 “ 问题

  IV 作文:和模三我出的作文香港大学招生有类似。讲教育,经济社会发展后人们对高等教育观念的变化。

  成人教育adult education,成人高校Adult Educational College



  上海泰祺学校 王力


  1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B

  11.D 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.B

  21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.D 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.A

  31.B 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.D 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.A 40.B

  41.B 42.D 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.C

  51.A 52.C 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.D 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.B


  Section I Vocabulary (10 points)

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section . For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B ,C, and D. Choose the best one to complete the sentence, Then blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.

  1. Oil is an important material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.

  A.raw B.bleak C.flexible D.fertile

  2. The high living standards of the US cause its present population to 25 percent of the world’s oil.

  A. assume B.consume C.resume D.presume

  3.You shouldn't’t be so I didn't mean anything bad in what I said.

  A.sentimental B.sensible C.sensitive D.sophisticated

  4.Picasso was an artist who fundamentally changed the of art for later generations.

  A.philosophy B.concept C.viewpoint D.theme

  5.Member states had the option to from this agreement with one year’s notice.

  A.deny B.object C.suspect D.withdraw

  6.The two countries achieved some progress in the sphere of trade relations, traditionally a source of irritation. B.optional C.neutral D.parallel

  7.Williams had not been there during the moments when the kidnapping had taken place.

  A.superior B.rigorous C.vital D.unique

  8.Travel around Japan today , and one sees foreign residents holding a wide of jobs.

  A.range B.field C.scale D.area

  9.Modern manufacturing had a global river of materials into a stunning array of new products.

  A.translated B.transformed C.transferred D.transported

  10.Lightning has been the second largest storm killer in the US over the past 40 years and is

  only by flood.

  A.exceeded B.excelled C.excluded D.extended

  11.Voices were as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

  A.swollen B.increased C.developed D.raised

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